Please give to our scholarship program

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Central PA Community Foundation
Want to help?
The David O'Connell Memorial Fund is administered by the Central PA Community Foundation and as such your donations can be tax deductible.
Unless otherwise advised, CPCF will notify the David O'Connell Memorial Fund of your donation and the amount.
More information can be found at www.centralpagives.org
Click the donate button below to go to the Central PA Community Foundation page. Choose Give Now button under "Give to a Fund" Scroll until you find the David O'Connell Memorial Fund (it's there - they are not in alphabetical order)
Checks can be made out to the "CPCF -David O'Connell Memorial Fund". They can be mailed to
David O'Connell Memorial Fund
c/o Central PA Community Foundation
1330 11th Avenue
Altoona, PA 16601
David O'Connell Health Education Building
At Seven Mountains Scout Camp
With construction complete on the building, we ask all donations be made to help our schoalrship fund.